October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Well we didn't end up going very long. It started to pour rain as soon as I stepped outside to leave. I am not exaggerating either! It was wet and cold!
Getting ready to go Trick-or-Treating


Halloween Carnival

 We went to a carnival at the Bountiful Rec. Center. The kids had a lot of fun!

Brandon, Sam, Tyler, Josh, Bailee, Charley, and Jessica

Pretty hat Brandon

Grandma Anderson and Brandon
Riding in a canoe was a little nerve racking.
They did have someone fall in for the first time in three years.
So I was a little nervous! But we got through it with no problems.

Waiting to go down the slide

Bailee was having a lot of fun jumping onto the beanbags.

October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Patch October 2010

Despite the cold weather we had a lot of fun at the pumpkin patch.
Brandi and Bailee

Burke and the Girls

Ellie and Bailee