September 30, 2009

80 Today Snow Tomorrow!!

Well if you have ever lived or been to Utah, you will know that the weather is constantly changing. Monday it was in the 90's, yesterday the 80's, today the 40's with a chance of snow mixed with rain. Ugh! It has been raining since before 6:00 a.m. I don't mind the rain every once in a while, but I don't want it to be snowing yet! We only got two months of summer and now it skipped right over fall and went strait to winter! What is a woman to do?

Bailee got bangs

Bailee and I went to visit my dad the other day and while we were there he offered to cut Bailee's Bangs. She had them trimmed a little while Ashlee was here in June, but they were long again about a week later. So we grabbed the camera and took some before and after shots.

Apples to Apples

I decided to give Bailee a taste of my apple and to my surprise she really really liked it!

Playing at the Park

Ellie Turns 2

We went to Chuck-E-Cheese for Ellie's 2nd birthday. Bailee had a lot of fun playing on the toys, and eating birthday cake.

September 29, 2009

Getting So Big!

Bailee is getting so big, she is now crawling all over the place we had to put a gate in our front room so she can't escape into the kitchen. Well it doesn't work if the gate is open!

Labor Day Picnic in the Park

For Labor Day we decided that we would spend some time outside. So we pack up the diaper bag and went to the grocery store. We got stuff to make sandwiches and then went to North Canyon Park. We walked down to a shady area and sat and had our lunch while we enjoyed the beauty of nature. We then took Bailee home to have a nap and later went back out for a hike. We decided to hike up North Canyon Trail. I was in shorts and flip flops while Nate was wearing tennis shoes and Bailee was in the stroller. As we got to the foot of the trail we saw a biker about to head up the trail. So we asked him if he thought it would be possible to take a stroller up the trail. He said sure that it should be no problem. I am not sure what he was smoking! The trail is preceded by about a mile of dirt road that you can drive up. Nate didn't want to drive his car up so we decided to just walk up the road. The first ten feet was covered in huge rocks and the road was horribly washed out. We made it up the treacherous road got to the trail and decided to head back down. On the way down Nate was carrying Bailee and I was pushing the stroller. I lost my footing and slipped and cut my knee open pretty bad. At first I didn't even know it was bleeding then Nate told me that I should try to clean it out. I looked down and had blood gushing down my leg. We made it back to the car and then headed over to my parents house to get me cleaned up. I asked my dad if he thought I needed stitches, he said no just put some peroxide on it and some neosporin and a band aid and it should be fine. We then left and went out to dinner with Nate's family. What a fun filled adventure we had. My Knee is still healing, but it looks a whole lot better!

End of Summer Party

On the last Thursday before school started our neighbors had an End of Summer Party. It was a lot of fun for us to go play in the water and with our friends in the neighborhood. Bailee loved playing with the sponges. What a good idea for pool toys and they are pretty inexpensive.

Random Sampler

A New Cousin is born!

Nate's sister Andrea had a little baby boy this past July and we were privileged enough to go down to Spanish Fork and be there for his blessing. It was a beautiful blessing and fun to visit with the family.

September 28, 2009

Sharing with Papa

Nate got a glass of pink lemonade and gave some to Bailee. Well she loved it so he shared with her. She then decided she would try and share with him.

Playing with the Teddy Bear

September 20, 2009


A couple of weeks ago my Father-in-law took me, Nate, my Mother-in-law, Nate's sister Angie and her husband Mark and his sister Amanda to Wendover to see Creadance Clearwater Revisited. It was a lot of fun to spend time with the family and enjoy a concert as well. We left around 1:30 p.m. and on the way out we stopped at The Salt Flats none of us had ever been out there. It was pretty cool to see a sea of nothing but white salt. Then my Father-in-law being the child that he is decided that he needed to do some donuts! It was pretty funny because he left black tire marks all over. We got to Wendover and sat at a park for a bit while we waited for Angie and Mark to get there. Then we went and had dinner at one of the three buffets. It was pretty good food for a buffet! We then went to The Peppermill Concerthall. Poor Ashlee couldn't come because you have to be 21 to enter and she is only 17. The concert was great! Even though I didn't know to many of the songs that they sang.
The concert got over at about 9:30 p.m. Mark and Angie stayed the night at one of the nice hotles and the rest of us drove home. Because it was so late Randy had Nate drive home. We had been on the freeway for probably about 15 or 20 minutes when the wind started to blow hard enough that it was causing the truck to sway back and fourth. Just then we noticed that a motorcycler was in front of us and he started to fishtale like crazy. Nate was afraid that he was going to hit him. The guy then went off the side of the road. I began saying Stop, Stop, Stop! Finally, Nate pulled over and we got out and ran down to help the guy. I got there first and was scared to death. Luckily he wasn't hurt! He blew a tire and was so scared that he could hardly speak to us. He was on his way home from doing a friend a favor. He lived in West Jordan so we were able to give him a ride home. The entire ride he kept saying how unlikely it is to be able to stay up on a motorcycle with a blow out. He was extremely greatful for our help and it was an awsome exprience.