February 23, 2009

Thirty Years Together

On Saturday my Mother and Father-in-Law celebrated their 30th anniversary. So they had the whole family meet at their home and had pictures taken and then we went to Golden Corral for lunch. Ean had eaten his lunch and decided to go to each table and see what he could find. Well he found left over ice cream that one of the cousins didn't eat and so he decided to eat it and well his outfit is a result of that!!!

Bailee's Blessing

Ean loves to give Bailee kisses!
Ellie looking so cute!

Uncle Brennan
Charley and Ean loving their new cousin.

When I was updating I forgot one very important event. That was Bailee's Blessing. We had a great turn out of people. It is so awsome to have a family that supports us. we had so many people that we hardly had room to put anyone in our small home. The food was good thanks to all those who brought something. It was a very special day for our little growing family. Nate gave a beautiful blessing.

February 19, 2009


I have been trying to get Bailee to take a binki for three months. She took one just fine while we were in the hospital, but the nurses took it away from her and she hasn't taken one ever since. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I hope now she will also learn to take a bottle.


Well I am finally caught up to the present day. I don't have direct access to the internet so it takes me longer to keep everyone up to date. Now that I am caught up I will try to continue to stay up to date. It is hard when you have a young child that wants all your attention. So I am sorry that it has taken me so long but hopefully I can now keep up!


We ended up not doing anything for Valentine's this year. So that night I went to the store and got some stuff to make a Valentine's dinner on Sunday. So when we got home from church on Sunday I made us dinner. Probably only the second or third time since we have been married. I made a salad and tried to make some ranch chicken but I am an idiot and misread the recipe. I bought ranch dressing instead of the dry mix. So we had to change our plans and make lemmon chicken instead. Nate said it was good but I think he was just being nice. The salad and dessert turned out good though. The next day, Nate got up and got ready for work and left. About 20 minutes later he came home and he had two roses in his hand. A long stem for me and a short stem for Bailee. He also took the day off so that he could spend the day with us.


Bailee is growing so fast. We went to the doctor again this month and she now weighs 12 lbs 6 oz, (with clothes on)!


Bailee is getting so big. In the month of January we had a lot of fun events. We went to her two month well check and she now weighs 10 lbs 10 oz and is 22 inches long.

February 13, 2009


On New Year's Day we spent the evening at aunt Mary's home. Grandma Springer was in town from Las Vegas so we had a party! We had a lot of fun seeing the family and eating yummy food.
While we were at Dan and Mary's my dad and Dan started to tell us stories of them when they were growing up. Then we got my dad to tell us his hilarious story about the monkey's in the zoo!