July 19, 2009

A Lot To Be Thankful For!

Yesterday Nate and I drove down to Spanish Fork to see his sister and brand new baby boy. On the drive we were almost is an accident that probably would have taken our lives. Luckily Nate was driving! We were on I-15 south bound at somewhere between 53rd and 90th south Nate was cut off by an old pickup truck. As he was behind the truck he noticed that his spare tire was very loose and saw it wiggle. Nate thought to himself that it looked like it was going to fall off. As soon as he thought that boom! He hit the breaks and because my eyes were closed I didn't see it fall, when I opened them all I saw was a big black tire coming strait for us. Luckily it totaly bounced over our car and as far as we could see it didn't hit anyone else. It was the scariest thing I have ever been through! We are so greatful that we got to and from his sisters house safely last night becuase it could have easily been our last.

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