August 6, 2009


This ones for you Ali!
So do you remember the tongue twister that has something to do with slitting the sheet but if you say it fast you usually end up saying "Shit the sheet!"? Well that is were my story begins. I finished feeding Bailee her lunch and decided that I'd better go change her before she went down for her nap. Well it started out okay but then I noticed that some of the poo in her diaper fell onto the bed so I cleaned it up and got her cleaned up. At that moment I noticed that she wasn't quite finished with her business. So I hurried and put the diaper back under her so that it wouldn't get on the bed. Then I started to clean her up again all the time she is thinking she is pretty funny and won't hold still for anything. So I took the diaper to the garbage so that she wouldn't want to try and eat it. When I got back she had done some more all over my bed. A big pile of CRAP!!! So nasty! Oh well in the words of my cousin Ali, "it makes a good story though." =)

1 comment:

Matt & Ali said...

lol! Hope nate doesn't mind that she has inherited our springer poop jeans!