November 13, 2010

Disney on Ice!

For Bailee's birthday Nate bought her tickets to go see Disney on Ice! She loved it! He had it all planned out. We got up this morning and got ready to start our day. We drove down to Orem to the Disney Store and let Bailee pick out a prize. Then we headed home and on the way stopped at Cabela's to see the fish aquarium. We then got home and regrouped before going to dinner at Winger's. We then hurried to the Energy Solutions  Arena for the show. We got there just in time. Bailee was mesmerized for the first half. After the intermission she had a hard time focusing. Maybe because it was the same story for the last half hour and it didn't change, or maybe it was because she had maybe a 15 minuet nap. Needless to say she was asleep before we got home. We came in and put her right to bed at 8:30 p.m. It was a fun and busy day. It was a lot of fun watching her eyes light up when she saw the Disney characters she loves most! Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy!

The Lion King

The Little Mermaid

Lilo and Stitch


Peter Pan

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